Faculty Members

Acadamic Advisors :

B.N. Gandhi
Retd. Principal
SPT Art and Science College

B.K. Bhanot
Formerly Head
Department of English

Dr. Y. M. Sharma
District Co-ordinator
English Language Course (PMS)

  • Our teachers work with happiness and enthusiasm
  • We build up self esteem and encouragement in children
  • We are loving and caring
  • We are responsible
  • We are always open to growth oriented suggestions
  • Teachers are at the level of the child, yet has control over the child
  • We support and encourage children to open up
  • We always use positive approach with children
  • We are dedicated teachers
  • We are totally aware of each and every child
  • We try to be substitute mothers
  • Teachers are playful, fun loving and full of laughter and joy
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